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Advice for Life Spring 2024 Newsletter
By Alterna Team
March 26, 2024

While Canadians saw a brief pause in increases after over a year of rising interest rates, the Bank of Canada announced another hike in June. Our colleagues at NEI Investments released an update on the recent increase and the state of the Canadian economy.

Over the past decade, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of responsible investing in today’s financial landscape. In an era where profit and purpose are not mutually exclusive, it has become increasingly vital to partner with a specialist who can help you navigate the complex world of investments while staying true to your ethics and values.

Entering a second marriage or common-law relationship is an exciting new chapter in life. You need to be open from the beginning to secure your financial future together. Approximately 26% of Canadians find themselves in a second marriage or common-law relationship; these relationships typically come with additional financial considerations.

The cost of living in Canada has been steadily on the rise, leaving many families feeling the impact of inflation. To combat this, the Bank of Canada has implemented measures to dampen inflation, including raising interest rates. While these measures can have long-term economic benefits, they present immediate challenges for Canadian families.

Rohit Mehta is not your ordinary entrepreneur; he has a deep-rooted desire to empower nonprofits and charities to create lasting impact in their communities. He firmly believes that these organizations drive positive change, tackling social issues head-on and transforming lives.

Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs) can be a great source of retirement income for many Canadians. However, managing them effectively is important to ensure a comfortable retirement. 
We understand that minimizing the tax burden of RRIF withdrawals is essential for many retirees.